ASMP Foundation

2010 Mentoring Program

The theme: Answering Adversity

The theme for the 2010 YPA Mentoring Program was Answering Adversity. Each team explored this theme from a different location, offering different perspectives, insights, and creative expressions. The teams’ work was previewed at Visual Connections New York 2010 and the first public exhibition was held at the Calumet Gallery in New York City on January 14-28, with a private opening on Thursday, January 13.

2010 Teams

Toronto/Ottawa, Canada, led by Yuri Dojc
Jen Hladkowicz Graduate - Algonquin College
Mickey Nielsen Graduate - Ryerson
Jennifer Allison Graduate - Algonquin College
Christos Spentzos Graduate - Algonquin College
Dallas, Texas, USA, led by Stewart Cohen
Ashley Conde Graduate - Brooks Institute
Donald J. Simniok The Art Institute of Dallas
Los Angeles, California, USA, led by Edie Tobias
Elizabeth Sarah Barr Art Center College of Design
Jeff Dojillo Graduate - Academy of Art
Yasmin Alishav Art Center College of Design
New York City, New York, USA, led by Stephen Mallon
Karina Voitioulevich College of Staten Island
Stacy Swiderski SVA
Geoff Scott Graduate - SVA
Khrystyna Chekhlata Pratt Institute
Columbus, Ohio, USA, led by George Anderson
Emily Pummill Ohio State University
Chris Mumma Columbus College of Art and Design
Kate Ramsey Ohio University
William Figg Graduate - Brooks Institute
Luke Snailham Ohio State University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, led by Richard Kelly
Samantha Pribish Graduate - Alfred University
Kelly Lanzendorfer Point Park University
Allaire Bartel Art Institute of Pittsburgh
Rochester, New York, USA, led by Don Cochran
Michael Conti RIT
Jared Rube RIT
Ted Syslo RIT
San Francisco, California, led by Trinette Reed
Bonnie Rae Mills Academy of Arts
Stefan Jora Graduate
Nicole Franco Graduate - Academy of Art
Renee Peck Graduate - Academy of Art University
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, led by Nevada Wier
Stuart Palley Southern Methodist University
Sabra Roybal Graduate-Brooks Institute
Seattle, Washington, USA, led by Dan Lamont
Brad Curran Seattle Central Community College
Christopher Daniel Seattle Central Community College
Lindsey Wasson Seattle University
Clara Ganey Graduate - Seattle University
London, UK, led by Vicki Couchman and Justin Sutcliffe
Sarah Howe Graduate
Olmo Reverter Fernandez Graduate
Magnus Arrevad Graduate
Tilly Harris Graduate

“The experience as a whole meant so much more to me than I ever could have expected. Meeting my mentor and fellow group members has inspired me completely. This project has taught me that I can find success and positively by doing what I love. I feel more confident and capable now, and that’s extremely important to me. I can’t thank everyone enough for this opportunity and experience.”

— Kelly Lanzendorfer
(Pennsylvania Team 2010)

Photo by Michael Conti (Rochester, NY)

© Michael Conti (Rochester, NY)

Photo by Olmo Reverter Fernandez (London, UK)

© Olmo Reverter Fernandez (London, UK)

“Confidence, guidance, and friendship are the three words that can define my experience with my mentor.”

— Elizabeth Barr
(Los Angeles Team 2010)

Photo by Tilly Harris (London, UK)

© Tilly Harris (London, UK)

Photo by Geoff Scott (New York, NY)

© Geoff Scott (New York, NY)